Disclaimer notice !

This is a personal weblog. This weblog represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my own. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. If I post something here that you find helpful as you make creations for your personal use, that’s wonderful.  I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memes running around my brain.

The information in this weblog is provided “AS  IT IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me your valuable opinions.  I’m completely an empty cup in the comments section of each blog entry, but I reserve the right to moderate any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) – so keep it polite, please.

“I’m a human being and my blog reflects that humanity.”


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